When I run, I use Strava to log my activity. In honor of recently running my one-thousandth mile on Strava, I thought I’d do a write up for the steps I use to process my user data in R. The data Strava makes available is granular and can be used for all kinds of fun things after the steps detailed here.
1. Export your data
Per the instructions on their website, you can export your Strava activity data by navigating to your profile in a web browser and following Settings > My Account > Download or Delete your Account - Get Started > Request Your Archive. From that point, it takes me about 10 minutes to see a download link in my inbox.
The download apparently includes a lot of different kinds of data but the most salient (for my account, anyway) are contained in activities.csv
and the activities/
directory. The former contains summary information for each of my Strava activities and the latter contains individual files, each of which have second-to-second position data for an individual run, hike, or bike ride. The activity files appear to be some kind of custom or proprietary exercise file type–the two extensions I notice are .gpx
and .fit.gz
. At first glance, I don’t recognize either.
Fortunately, as usual I find that someone else has already done the heavy lifting for the most important part of this process. The Github packages FITfileR
and trackeR
can be used to convert these file types into something more legible. Special thanks to Mike Smith for his excellent work on the former.
2. Unpacking .gpx
and .fit.gz
I start by installing the Github packages and loading those along with the tidyverse
A few more lines help with setup and prepare for reading the activity files.
PATH <- str_c(str_remove(getwd(),"/jacobeliason.com/posts/2021-04-30-processing-data-from-strava"),"/personal-projects/strava")
export_date <- "2021-04-29"
PATH_ACTIVITIES <- str_c(PATH, "/DATA/",export_date,"/activities/")
activity_names <- list.files(PATH_ACTIVITIES)
sample(activity_names, 3) # check to make sure I got the correct file path
As I look at the file names, the first thing that becomes apparent is that I have some extra work to do as a result of my alternately using my phone and a Garmin watch to record activities. Those two devices produce the two different file extensions I observe and require different steps for unpacking.
Uncompressing and reading files from my fitness watch (.fit.gz
The .fit.gz
files are compressed and need to be uncompressed to .fit
before I can use the FITfileR
Having unzipped the files, I again collect names.
Now, using FITfileR::records()
, I transform the files into tidy, rectangular datasets.
list.fit <- list()
for(i in 1:length(uncompressed_fit_names)) {
record <- FITfileR::readFitFile(
str_c(PATH_ACTIVITIES, uncompressed_record_names[i])
) %>% FITfileR::records()
if(length(record) > 1) {
record <- record %>% bind_rows() %>% mutate(activity_id = i, filename = uncompressed_fit_names[i])
list.fit[[i]] <- record
fit_records <- list.fit %>% bind_rows() %>% arrange(timestamp)
Reading files recorded from my iPhone (.gpx
I turn my attention back to the .gpx
files. Fortunately, these files don’t require much beyond a simple pass from the trackeR
function. I do some additional housekeeping along the way, but this part is pretty straightforward.
gpx_names <- activity_names[str_sub(activity_names,-3,-1) == "gpx"]
list.gpx <- list()
for(i in 1:length(gpx_names)) {
record <- trackeR::readGPX(str_c(PATH_ACTIVITIES, gpx_names[i])) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
timestamp = time,
position_lat = latitude,
position_long = longitude,
cadence = cadence_running
list.gpx[[i]] <- record
Combine both record types
I add my two datasets together and with that, I’m ready to Learn Things.
Straightening out the summary information in activities.csv
One last thing I’ll do before I finish up is make some tweaks to the activities.csv
file I got in my original download. I make some changes to the column names and order to taste, and I remove rows with empty file names. It turns out that those correspond with activities with no associated GPS data, such as treadmill or weightlifting workouts.
I also make a variety of mostly trivial changes for my own convenience and then I’m good to go!
KM_TO_MI <- 0.621371
M_TO_FT <- 3.28084
record_key <- record_key_raw %>%
# change units for elevation variables
mutate_at(vars(contains("elevation")), function(x){x <- x*M_TO_FT}) %>%
# units #
distance = distance*KM_TO_MI,
duration = elapsed_time/60,
duration_moving = moving_time/60,
pace = (duration/distance) %>% round(2),
pace_moving = (duration_moving/distance) %>% round(2),
# ids #
filename = filename %>% str_remove(., "activities/") %>% str_replace(., "fit.gz", "fit"),
activity_id = as.character(activity_id),
activity_type = tolower(activity_type),
# incorrectly coded activities #
activity_type = ifelse(filename == "1812636545.gpx", "hike", activity_type),
activity_type = ifelse(filename == "3324264305.fit", "walk", activity_type),
# dates #
rdatetime_utc = lubridate::as_datetime(activity_date, format = "%b %d, %Y, %I:%M:%S %p", tz = "UTC"),
rdatetime_et = lubridate::as_datetime(rdatetime_utc, tz = "America/New_York"),
rdate_et = lubridate::as_date(rdatetime_et),
rday = lubridate::day(rdate_et),
rmonth = lubridate::month(rdate_et),
ryear = lubridate::year(rdate_et),
rhour_et = lubridate::hour(rdatetime_et),
rminute_et = lubridate::minute(rdatetime_et)
) %>%
select( # drop empty variables
-contains("weather"), -contains("precipitation"), -contains("wind"),
-apparent_temperature, -sunrise_time, -sunset_time, -dewpoint, -humidity, -cloud_cover, -uv_index
) %>%
mutate_if(is.numeric, ~round(.x, 2)) # round numeric variables
Now, for each run, I have information on granular location data and summary information in datasets records
and record_key
respectively. The interesting stuff pretty much all comes after this point, but I’ll save that for another post.